Wildlife watching in the UK
Whilst I have been Staying with Steve and Liz Dudley, I have not only been birding but looking at other wildlife we see on the way. Here are some photos Steve took for me when we are out watching.
This baby lizard was in Steve and Liz's garden. Its much smaller than the one I see in The Gambia!
Steve also catches moths. This is one of the bigger ones we see around at their house. A Red Underwing. They roost on the walls of the house, and during a really bad storm, one came into the house to get away from the rain and hail. I had never seen hail stone before!
Steve and I spent a great morning looking for Red Kites not far from their house. We got great views of some. We saw at least 15 and 9 Buzzards. These two are fighting with their feet.
The weather in the UK is a bit like our rainy season back in The Gambia. Just its colder here when hte sun isn't shining on me! This is in the Fens at Woodwalton very near to where Steve and Liz live.
This is me birding at Rutland Water. I'm not used to wearing so many clothes! Here I need a waterproof jacket and wellingtons because of the UK weather.
This butterfly is a comma. I see lots of butterflies back home and we have recently a new book to help us identify them.